You can record and access your data in our Bayouside Classroom database, an ever-growing resource compiled from samples collected throughout the year by LUMCON scientists and other science classes. You will notice a series of links at the top of this page that can be used to navigate through the site. The links provide background information about the project, methods, how to access the database, and other useful topics. The data entry pages are password protected, so you’ll need to check with your teacher about gaining access.

To enter your data, click here. You will be taken to a page where you can log in using the username and password supplied by the LUMCON staff or your teacher. Once you have entered your username and password, you will have the option to enter or edit your data. Click on “Enter Data”. This link will bring you to a page that is very similar to the data sheets on which you have been recording your data all day. Simply fill in the blanks and press “Submit.” Although the website will let you know if you have made any errors in format, you are responsible for the accuracy of your data.

Parameter Instructions
  • Use the dropdown menu to select from the list of sites.
  • Enter the date that the sample was collected, not necessarily the date the data are entered.
  • The date needs to be in the format mm/dd/yyyy, so for April 1, 2017 the date is entered 04/01/2017.
  • Enter the time that the sample was collected.
  • The time should be in hh:mm, 24 hr (military) format. For times after 12:00 noon, add 12 to the hour. For example, 6:30 in the morning is 06:30 while 6:30 in the evening is 18:30.
  • The username should be automatically filled in by the website based on the username and password you supplied.
  • If the wrong username appears here, stop and let someone know.
  • Each class is divided into several groups, each of which was assigned a number before setting out for sampling.
  • If you don’t know what your group number is, let someone know.
  • Enter the top and bottom temperature readings in Celsius.
  • Enter the top and bottom salinity values in parts per thousand.
  • If you collected your data using a conductivity probe, enter both the salinity in ppt and the conductivity reading from the probe in the Cond: blank.
  • If you collected your salinity using a hydrometer, enter both the salinity in ppt and the specific gravity reading from the hydrometer in the Spec Grav: blank.
  • The data entry page offers two conversion calculators for your convenience.
  • Enter the top and bottom dissolved oxygen values in mg/L (also known as parts per million, ppm).
  • If you collected your data using an oxygen probe, enter both the dissolved oxygen in mg/L and the percent saturation reading from the probe in the % Sat: blank.
  • The data entry page offers two conversion calculators for your convenience.
  • Enter the water depth at the sampling site in centimeters.
  • Enter the measurement from the clarity tube at the sampling site in centimeters.
  • If you recorded any other notes about the site (weather conditions, notable biota, etc.) type them in the box for notes. If you didn’t record anything, please enter “None.”.
  • When you are done, press the submit button at the top of the page.
  • If you have made errors in entering your data, the website will inform you as to which data are invalid.
  • If the data are entered correctly, a message will appear stating that the data were successfully added to the database.